Journal of Visual Language and Computing

Volume 2023, Number 1, August 2023

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Regular Papers

Pierfrancesco Bellini, Enrico Collini, Paolo Nesi, Alessandro Luciano Ipsaro Palesi and Gianni Pantaleo, Decision Support Enhancement Through Big Data Visual Analytics

Dang Duy Bui, Minxuan Liu, Duong Ding Tran and Kazuhiro Ogata, Graphical Animations of an Autonomous Vehicle Merging Protocol

Minoo Sayyadpour, Nasibe Moghaddamniya and Touraj Banirostam, Automating Leukemia Diagnosis with Autoencoders: A Comparative Study

Chen Luo and Jun Shi, A Topic Lifecycle Trend Prediction Algorithm on Facebook

Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Alessia Fantini and Giovanni Pilato, Enhanced Emotion Detection and Analysis in Human-Robot Interactions: An Innovative Model and Its Experimental Validation

Volume 2023, Number 2, December 2023

(Click here to download the entire issue)

Regular Papers

Bernardo Breve, Gaetano Cimino, Vincenzo Deufemia and Annunziata Elefante, Unleashing the Power of NLP Models for Semantic Consistency Checking of Automation Rules

Maria Assunta Cappelli, Ashley Caselli and Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Designing an Efficient Document Management System (DMS) using Ontology and SHACL Shapes

Ramon Santos, Felipe Cunha, Thiago Rique, Mirko Perkusich, Ademar Sousa Neto, Danyllo Albuquerque, Hyggo Almeida and Angelo Perkusich, A Semantic Comparative Analysis of Agile Teamwork Quality Instruments in Agile Software Development

Pengfei Qiu, Yang Zou, Xiaoqin Zeng and Xiangchen Wu Directional Residual Frame: Turns the motion information into a static RGB frame