
Is Data Preparation the next Big Data disruption?

Gianluigi Riccio
CEO, Datonix Spa, Italy
Tel: +390815103837


Data Preparation is growing essentially because the Data Scientists community is expanding. Data Preparation technologies have finally been recognized from the IT industry analyst community. In 2015, market resulted 500M USD size coming from a list of 20 to 30 vendors. In addition, recently Gartner forecasted Dprep Market should reach 1B USD size by 2018. Today, Enterprises need pragmatic transformation strategies to advance goals and recognize emerging opportunities. To meet transformation opportunities, companies are introducing the data driven culture, modernizing their core infrastructure and investing wisely in new capabilities. As a result it seems that every business might be an analytics business and every user might have access to analytics to succeed. The presentation will explore following critical issues:

About the Speaker:

Gianluigi Riccio is founder and chief technology officer @ He is a noted speaker and author on Global 5000 enterprise IT issues and has been one of the most quoted industry analyst on the topics of data base technology. Prior to founding datonix, he was founder of a quick growing data base consulting firm in southern Italy. During the nineteen nineties, he was research director of META Group's largest research advisory practice for 8 years. He has also held roles in leading vendor and user organizations, including executive and managerial positions at QueryObject Corp., Aeritalia Saipa, Olivetti OPE, Gartner Group, and Eureka Consortium. Gianluigi received his electronic engineering degree from University of Naples.